Abstracts will be accepted for oral and poster presentations and shall be limited to a maximum of two A4 pages (including figures, tables and references) no later than October 2, 2023. Abstracts will be submitted in doc or docx format.
All submitted abstracts will be evaluated through a peer review process. According to the comments of reviewers, submitted abstracts will be selected as oral or poster presentations.
If an abstract is selected for oral or poster presentation, at least one author must register for the conference and present the paper. However, no individual can present more than two platform papers/posters. Any further papers must be presented by a co-author.
All accepted abstracts will be included in the conference proceedings. Authors of accepted oral presentations are asked to submit a full paper. Full papers shall be limited to maximum of eight A4 pages (including figures, tables and references).
Following the peer review process, selected full papers are considered for publication in one of the IWA’s journals (Water Science & Technology or Journal of Water & Climate Change) after the journal’s review process. Please note that acceptance of a paper for conference presentation or selection of the full paper to be considered for publication in the related journals does not guarantee subsequent acceptance for journal publication.
For enquiries, please contact the conference secretariat at secretariat@iwa-ad18.org